First Run ========= With a configured EC2 Tools environment, now it's time to create an AppScale image. If not already there, SSH into the Vagrant box:: vagrant ssh Then go into the appscale-tools repository:: cd /srv/appscale/repo/appscale-tools From here you can bootstrap the image creation process using the command:: ./bin/appscale-bootstrap For more information on this command simply run it with the ``-h`` flag:: ./bin/appscale-bootstrap -h This command will take a while to run. Once it's complete, you will see in the last few lines of the log the instance id and the image id that was created. NOTE: The bootstrap script does not currently terminate the instance that is created in order to make an AppScale image. Please terminate it once you are done. Create an AppScale Cluster -------------------------- ``appscale-run-instances`` [with flags] - fires up a cluster